
Filed under : 流料ROY手記

     有三位朋友send佐個cover比我,真係好用心,辛苦晒!多謝支持。不過,仲有一扁鬼故未寫完,之後仲要剪輯之前果o的鬼故,可以話叫”Director Cut”啩,由一萬字一篇改到六千字倒,因為中間有好多無謂野,又好似有o的野漏佐無講到,再由口語化變文字化,再將成個故事內容加強,亦可以叫”Extra Director Cut”版本,總之唔會悶。


cover4.jpg cover-1.jpgcoverlayoutcl51.jpg


7 Responses to “辛苦晒!”

  1. Ed says:

    I like the 3rd one

    2nd one too horible

    1st one too simple…

  2. 吉米修 says:

    紅色底, 單眼個張正 d !!

  3. eddie says:


  4. Xarreo says:

    Vote for the third one !!!

  5. Bandsir says:


  6. Mikeho305 says:

    The third one as outer cover and first one as inner cover. Further, if you choose the second as cover, I dont know whether the book store will put your book at some eye-catching corner or not as its quite horrible

  7. angus says:

    第三個比較普通, 唔夠 eye-catching, 第二個係幾好, 不過可能真係恐怖左

    反而用返第一個 concept, 白底鬼故可能有 d gimmick, 不過唔可以用”手記”做書名啦, 同埋 pacman 會唔會侵權

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